Do you want to know my deepest, darkest secrets?

One of the most important parts of an author’s online presence, I’ve learned, is their website.  Someone who looks at an author’s website is far more likely to buy their books than someone who doesn’t.  And the key to a good author website is engaging the readers.

How do you do that?

By providing information they’re looking for (like the author bio, a list of their books, and other important details), and by giving them fun extra material that can’t be accessed elsewhere.  This can include: lemon

  • Excerpts or sneak peeks
  • Q&A with the author
  • Video interviews
  • Book trailers
  • Other book tie-ins
  • Games, prizes, or giveaways

I’m currently in the process of adding several of these to my own website.  I’m hoping to do several tie-ins related to hiking and backcountry safety, which will provide extra material for kids to engage in after we’ve given wilderness first-aid talks (incentive to visit the website).

portrait photo 2I have, however, just put up the Author Q&A page–check it out!  It contains info about The Natural Order and about my writing process, plus a few random questions.

If you have any questions that I didn’t answer this time around, let me know!